
29 May’19

Foresight Startup Q&A Blog Series: Modeling Unit Economics

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  Each week, the Foresight team spends time answering our startup clients’ most pressing questions regarding Financial Modeling, IP Strategy, Valuation, and more. We’ve decided to share some of these important insights in our Startup Q&A Blog Series. The first installment deals with modeling Unit Economics for your early stage business. Question: How Do I […]

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17 May’19

Trade Secret Damages Expert Blog: The Investment Value Approach to Damages Calculation

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This is the second blog in our series on trade secrets and the methodologies utilized in calculating trade secret misappropriation damages. In the previous blog, we discussed the DSC Communications v. Next Level Communications case which provided an example of the flexible approach to the calculation of trade secret damages. In the DSC Communications case, […]

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26 Apr’19

When a Stick Becomes a Carrot: How Toyota’s Royalty-Free Patent Move Impacts The Valuation of Its IP Portfolio

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Toyota has recently announced (April 2019) that it will grant royalty-free licenses on nearly 24,000 patents related to its hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) market. In the announcement, Toyota stated that its goals were to promote widespread adoption of electrified vehicles in an effort to help governments, automakers and society at large accomplish goals related to […]

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15 Apr’19

Trade Secret Damages Expert Blog: The Flexible Approach to Damages Calculation

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Trade secrets have become an increasingly important corporate asset that brings value to companies as part of their overall intellectual property (IP) strategy and portfolio. Foresight Valuation Group is an IP valuation, strategy and litigation consulting firm that specializes in assisting our clients in extracting value from their innovations, and understanding the value created by […]

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Forersight Newsletter: July 2020

This month we feature our webinar on brand valuation, blog on the supreme court decision in the trrademark case of, as well as a preview of an upcoming webinar on IP and startup valuation in times of crisis.

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