Major brands such as Nike, Tiffany, Gucci and Lacoste have embraced the emerging market provided by blockchain based technologies such as NFTs and the metaverse. As these markets grow, so do instances of potential trademark infringement by entities and creators looking to carve out their niche in this new market and profit from their early […]
Romag v. Fossil: Resolving a Circuit Split on Willfulness and Profit Awards for Trademark Infringement
| Posted in Blog | No commentIn the midst of the COVID pandemic, the Supreme Court resolved an issue that was split evenly between the circuit courts. The issue before the Court was whether the Lanham Act, which is the federal statute governing trademarks, required a plaintiff to prove that the defendant had willfully infringed their trademark before the plaintiff could […]
The Annual Intellectual Property Report to Congress: Risking 40% of GDP to Recoup 3%
| Posted in Blog | No commentThe Office of the U.S. Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (IPEC) issued its Annual Intellectual Property Report to Congress this month (“Annual IP Report”). The Annual IP Report details the coordinated efforts of the White House, the Departments of Commerce, Justice, Homeland Security, State, Treasury, Health and Human Services, and Agriculture, the Office of the U.S. […]
Insights from WIPO’s “World IP Indicators 2017” Report: Key Patenting Trends Around the Globe
| Posted in Blog | No commentThe World IP Organization (WIPO) has recently published its annual report titled: “World Intellectual Property Indicators 2017”, covering world IP filing activity for 2016. The report is a comprehensive coverage of global patent and trademark filing trends, comparing and ranking the world’s leading regional patent and trademark offices (“IP Offices”) by their level of activity […]